Defence Academia — Audio Catalogue — CDSN-RCDS

Audio Catalogue

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Posts tagged Defence Academia
Episode 41: Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard & Philippe Dufort

Dr. Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard is currently a Marie S. Curie Fellow at the Centre for Military Studies, University of Copenhagen and an assistant professor leading the Design & Innovation curriculum at Canadian Forces College (CFC) (on leave). Philippe is the co-founder of Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges (IMDC), the leading global annual convention gathering military designers, instructors, and researchers from around the world since 2016. In 2017, Philippe released the Archipelago of Design project aimed at making available the experiences of defence practitioners with new planning and innovation methodologies and co-led the publication of a first special issue including the articles of 16 defence practitioners published by the Journal of Military and Strategic Studies (JMSS). As a Marie S. Curie fellow, Philippe will pursue military design & innovation education projects including co-designing a tablet application and complete a book developing a sociology of military design across NATO allies and partners. Philippe holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of St-Andrews in the United Kingdom.

Dr. Philippe Dufort is an assistant professor at the School of Conflict Studies and the founding director of the School of Social Innovation at Saint Paul University, Ottawa. He studies the epistemological roots of strategic innovation with a special interest in intrinsic reflexive practices of military practitioners. He holds a PhD from the department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS) of the University of Cambridge, UK. He is an associate researcher at the Colombian Superior School of War. He acted as an Associate Editor at the Cambridge Review of International Affairs (CRIA) from 2009 to 2013. Apart from his experience in academic research, he has previously worked as a journalist in Latin America, a Human Rights watcher in conflict zones, and as a contractual analyst for the Canadian Mission toward the European Union in Brussels.

Episode 41: Philippe Beaulieu-Brossard & Philippe Dufort
Battle Rhythm
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