Audio Catalogue

The CDSN audio catalogue

Episode 1: Shifting Power

Episode 1: Shifting Power

In the pilot episode of Battle Rhythm Podcast, Steve and Stef introduce themselves and explain the purpose and format of the podcast. They discuss the end of Canada’s peacekeeping mission in Mali and the appointment of Canada’s first ambassador for Women, Peace and Security. In our Emerging Scholar segment, Stef speaks with James Anderson [12:12], a US Air Force intelligence officer and Fulbright Scholar on US-Canada security relations . Steve shares some of his thoughts on millennials in the debut of 'Steve's Peeves.'  The feature interview guest is Dan Drezner [29:00], Professor of International Politics at Tufts University and Washington Post Columnist who offers his perspective on the frayed state of the liberal international order. Dan Drezner’s most recent book: The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas. Movie Recommendation: War Games.

Episode 1: Shifting Power
Battle Rhythm
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