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15th Defence and Security Economics Workshop 15ième Atelier en économie de défense et de sécurité

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Note : All times are Eastern Time


8:30-9:10 - Peter E. Robertson (The University of Western Australia) – “The Real Military Balance: International Comparisons of Defence-Sector Purchasing Power”

9:10-9:50 – John McCormack (Cranfield University), Wen Wang (Wolverhampton University), Matt Flynn (Hull University), Matt Bamber (York University) – “Is the grass any greener; a Study of Veterans Transition into a Post Military World of Work.”

9:50-10:00 - Break 10:00-10:40 – Philip Jones (Carleton University) – “Borders, Illicit Markets and Violent Conflict: An empirical analysis of homicide rates in Brazil’s border regions”

10:40-11:20 – Ugurhan Berkok (RMC), Gregory van Bavel (DND), and Binyam Solomon (DND) – “Bioterrorism and deterrence by sharing microbiological knowledge”

11:20-12:00 – Karl Skogstad (Lakehead University) and Ryan Compton (University of Manitoba) – “Canadian Military Expenditure and Defence Policy: 1990-2020”


Karl Skogstad []

Ugurhan G. Berkok []

Zoom Link

Topic: 15th Defence and Security Economics Workshop

Time: Mar 19, 2021 08:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Passcode: 502271

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