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Genocidal Ideologies: Warning Signs and Prevention

This event is by the US Naval War College. 

This year commemorates the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz (January 1945). We are in a stage of history that, sadly, still has not eliminated the potential for genocide. The global community has failed in preventing genocide in the post-WWII era, and in the 21st century, we see evidence of genocide and mass atrocities. Certain wars and conflicts encompass calculated and systematic processes attempting and/or threatening genocide, ethnic cleansing and/or crimes against humanity. We even see threats of genocide in non-conflict regions. Hatred has proliferated in the 21st century.

Since we study and analyze wars and conflicts at the U.S. Naval War College, the concepts of genocide and mass atrocities are not only highly pertinent but also extremely important in terms of ethical standards in the modern era.

This event is the third annual conference on genocide, and we will invite panelists to focus on the issues pertaining to genocidal ideologies, warning signs of genocide and genocide prevention. 

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