Breakthrough: Shadows of Byzantium Launch Event
Dear members of the AOD community, colleagues, and friends,
You’re Invited to Celebrate the Launch of Breakthrough: Shadows of Byzantium! (link)
Date: November 21st, 2024 – 6:00 PM
Location: The Mauril-Bélanger Social Innovation Workshop (The Atelier), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Join us for an exciting in-person gathering where we will unveil our latest transformative game project. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Breakthrough Shadows of Byzantium, filled with intrigue, mystery, and adventure. Mark your calendars and get ready to embark on this unforgettable journey with us!
The launch event will feature:
A demo of AOD’s groundbreaking new game: Breakthrough Shadows of Byzantium
Opportunities to connect with experts in Foresight and Defence & Security
Complimentary wine and exclusive giveaways
Click Here to Book Your Tickets
About Breakthrough Shadows of Byzantium:
Breakthrough puts players in situations that enable them to seamlessly develop complex strategy-making capabilities. The Shadows of Byzantium scenario takes place in Istanbul, Turkey, at the crossroads of Europe and Asia in 2040. With Turkey on the cusp of entering the European Union after a decade of political reforms and humanitarian initiatives, Istanbul is becoming a major cosmopolitan center and economic hub. Yet, its role as an emerging power in the EU is in peril. Following the outbreak of a new respiratory disease, the city is racked with unrest with the potential to spill over Turkey’s borders. The United Nations Security summons players to investigate the implications of a new disease on human security in Turkey and the region. What they uncover will shape the fate of not only Turkey, but its alliances and partnerships for years to come.
To learn more, watch the Breakthrough Shadows of Byzantium video here or visit this link.
Event Location Address:
The Mauril-Bélanger Social Innovation Workshop (The Atelier)
The Atelier is accessible from 95 Clegg Street, Ottawa, ON. located on the street adjacent to Saint Paul University
Please contact for any questions or concerns.
To inquire about Breakthrough Shadows of Byzantium, please contact
2024 IUS Canada Conference
The 2024 IUS Canada Conference will be held at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario from October 25-27. We welcome papers or organized panels that address the key themes of interest to the IUS Fellows in support of emerging scholarly research dealing with the military establishment and civil-military relations.
Papers in all areas touching on defence and security in national and international contexts are eagerly solicited. To advance Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in scholarly and military professional discourse, we particularly encourage submissions that bring new academic, cultural or regional perspectives to broaden analytic frameworks and professional perspectives on defence and security. We therefore, wish to encourage submissions representing the full range of academic disciplines as well as those providing organized presentations on lived experiences in the military and societies.
Panel submissions (3-4 papers) are very welcome, and every effort will be made to group individually submitted papers into relevant panels. Submissions from graduate students who wish to be considered for the Franklin Pinch Award for best Graduate Student Paper should be clearly identified as such.
Authors submitting presentations independently should indicate “individual presentation submission” in their proposal. For both individual papers and panel submissions, please provide a 250 word abstract for each paper and complete contact information for each presenting author. Panel proposals should also include a 250 word abstract for the overall panel focus. Panel proposals and individual presentation submissions must be received no later than June 30, 2024 by the programme chair (Dr. Vanessa Brown: Selection decisions will be communicated to presenting authors on or before August 1, 2024.
Please note that we strongly encourage papers to be given in person however will allow for one paper per panel to be delivered virtually. We ask that those submitting a panel or individual paper with one to be given virtually to clearly annotate this when making your submission. We will plan a full day of presentations for both Friday the 25th and Sunday the 27th, we request you clearly note if you prefer your panel or paper not be scheduled in the morning of the 25th or afternoon of the 27th.
We will follow the same administrative arrangements as with the 2022 conference: presentations and lunch will be at Carleton University; a block of rooms has been reserved at the Lord Elgin Hotel; an initial reception will be held at the Lord Elgin Thursday the 24th; and the conference dinner will be held near the Lord Elgin at the National Arts Centre the evening of Friday the 25th. Carleton allows us to hold the conference in person with capacity to adjust for appropriate personal health measures as required.
We look forward to seeing you in Ottawa in October!
École d’été Analyse computationnelle de textes sur la guerre en Ukraine
Le Réseau d’analyse stratégique (RAS) organise une école d’été sur les méthodes d’analyse computationnelle de textes dans le domaine de la sécurité et de la défense. L’objectif de l’école d’été est de former une nouvelle génération de chercheurs sur l’analyse de textes assistée par ordinateurs afin de développer leurs capacités de traiter de vastes quantités de textes portant sur les enjeux de sécurité et de défense. Plus spécifiquement, l’école d’été formera les personnes étudiantes à la collecte, la gestion, l’analyse et la visualisation de données textuelles. Pour ce faire, la formation emploiera les logiciels R et Python. La formation développera ces capacités à l’égard d’une problématique de recherche spécifique : la guerre en Ukraine, qui suscite de vives tensions au sein de la communauté internationale. Les étudiants seront invités à se pencher sur la nature des perceptions, au sein d’un pays de leur choix, à l’égard de la guerre d’Ukraine, afin d’identifier les cadres dominants et le degré de contestation interne. Le travail accompli lors de l’école d’été débouchera sur un ouvrage collectif, lequel permettra de comparer les résultats de recherche et d’enrichir notre compréhension de la fragmentation en cours de l’ordre international libéral. L’école d’été offre ainsi aux étudiantes l’opportunité d’approfondir leurs connaissances empiriques et méthodologiques sur ces enjeux. Il s’agit également d’une excellente opportunité de partage de connaissances et de réseautage au sein du RAS.
Justin Massie, codirecteur du Réseau d’analyse stratégique et professeur de science politique à l’UQAM;
Jean-Christophe Boucher, codirecteur du Réseau canadien sur l’information et la sécurité et professeur de science politique à l’Université de Calgary;
Srdjan Vucetic, codirecteur du Réseau canadien de défense et de sécurité et professeur d’affaires publiques et internationales à l’Université d’Ottawa.
Programmation préliminaire
Jour 1 : La collecte des données
Jour 2 : L’étiquetage des données
Jour 3 : Le traitement des données et la modélisation computationnelle
Jour 4 : L’analyse des données
Cette formation intensive est offerte à un groupe restreint d’étudiants afin d’offrir un soutien individualisé et un apprentissage personnalisé. Sont admissibles les étudiants travaillant sous la supervision de l’un des membres du Réseau d’analyse stratégique. Aucune expérience n’est nécessaire ; une connaissance de R ou de Python n’est pas un prérequis. La formation se déroulera en français et en anglais ; une bonne connaissance des deux langues est donc exigée.
Date limite pour postuler : 24 mai 2023
Veuillez soumettre votre candidature, d’ici le 24 mai 2023, à avec comme objet École d’été et en copie conforme l’expert du RAS qui supervise vos études, avec les deux documents suivants en pièce jointe :
1. Curriculum vitae : formation antérieure, expérience de recherche, compétences méthodologiques, etc.;
2. Lettre de motivation : pourquoi suivre l’école d’été du RAS ?
Nous encourageons les candidatures des personnes autochtones, de couleur, LGBTQ2I et personnes handicapées. Nous favorisons l’équité et nous encourageons à indiquer dans la candidature si vous appartenez à l’un des groupes désignés.
Seules les candidatures retenues seront contactées.
L’école d’été est offerte gratuitement et se déroulera à temps plein du 4 au 7 juillet 2023 à l’UQAM. Seules les personnes disponibles entièrement au cours de cette période sont admissibles. Les frais de subsistance sont inclus pour tous, de même que les frais de transport et d’hébergement pour les personnes en provenance de l’extérieur de Montréal.
NATO Internship Programme and the NATO Young Professionals Programme (YPP)
NATO IS is pleased to inform you that the calls for applications for the NATO Internship Programme and the NATO Young Professionals Programme (YPP) are now open with a closing date on May 7th 2023. Selected candidates will join in 2024.
In order to support the applicants but also to further disseminate the programmes, NATO IS is organizing a webinar on 20th April at 15.00 CET.
During the webinar, NATO IS will present the two programmes and address potential comments and questions.
The participants will need to register first using the following link:
More information on the programmes can be found on the NATO website:
a) NATO Internship Programme:
b) NATO Young Professionals Programme (YPP):
Call for Abstracts for EISS Online Events
Welcome to the Call for Abstracts for EISS Online Events!!
The application period for the Spring round (24 April - 26 June 2023) of EISS Online & Hybrid Events is now open! Send us your abstract by 15 April (instructions below)
EISS Online Events will take one of the three following formats:
(1) Online Roundtables & Conferences
Online events organised by EISS members with guests from academia and/or the policy world to talk about critical issues in international security. EISS members suggest a topic, gather a group of colleagues, and EISS gives access to the online roundtable to the whole EISS community.
(2) Early Career Seminars
Online or hybrid seminars organised by PhD. students or early career academics to share their research and exchange ideas with the broader EISS community. PhD. students or PostDocs who are EISS members organise a seminar or conference in person at their university (or elsewhere), and EISS gives virtual access to the EISS membership.
(3) Doctoral Training Workshops
Online workshops organised by members of EISS intended and tailored for PhD. students and early career academics. These online training workshops can revolve around the academic job market, devising an effective publication strategy, navigating academic journals and publishing, and how to turn a PhD. manuscript into a book. Early career academics and senior scholars alike can put forward proposals to EISS for such events.
Our expanding EISS community is the centre stage of this initiative. The goal here is to utilise the EISS global network to showcase your work, build connections, and engage with peers from the world pursuing similar interests. From book launches to seminars and roundtables, you decide on the format and themes of the event and the EISS will provide the zoom link to all community members, and the event will be advertised by email and the EISS's social media.
Are you interested in organising an online event and expanding your academic network?
For all three formats, please upload a short abstract (250 words), using our Indico website, outlining the following:
(1) the format of your event (one of the three described above)
(2) the main topic to be addressed in your event
(3) the purpose of the event
(4) the chair and speakers
For any questions on our online events, please contact:
We look forward to your abstracts!
Call for Papers: The strength beside the uniform
The strength beside the uniform: Families of military members, Veterans, and public safety personnel
The Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health (JMVFH) is seeking high-quality articles that explore the health, well-being, culture, and identity of the families of military, Veteran, and public safety personnel for publication in an April 2024 special edition. Guest Editors of the edition are Dr. Heidi Cramm and Prof. Nicola Fear.
Families who served alongside their military or public safety personnel have been shaped by a distinct combination of lifestyle dimensions — risk, mobility, logistics, and identities. “The strength beside the uniform: Families of military members, Veterans, and public safety personnel” will highlight emerging research, perspectives, challenges, trends, and future directions in defining, caring for, and providing services to these families. Articles included in the special edition will advance knowledge about the families of military members, Veterans, and public safety personnel, including first responders and emergency responders, and examine implications for policy, practice, and service delivery.
Submissions from Canadian and international researchers are encouraged.
Articles that focus on at least one lifestyle dimension — risk, mobility, logistics, and identities — will be selected. The goal is to advance understanding of the occupational risks and requirements shaping families and the range of experiences and needs that families have across the lifecycle. Articles may include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
Exploring family and career life cycle issues related to service
Positive and negative impacts of service on various aspects of family functioning and quality of life, including employment, financial, psychological, economic, housing, healthcare transitions, school transitions, career disruption, isolation, relocation, community integration, and well-being
Examining elements of specific occupational lifestyle dimensions within or across a sector or service element (e.g., separation, sleep, trauma, stress, stigmatization, shiftwork)
Informing best practices for clinical practice, policy, program design and service delivery, including attention to cultural competency among service providers and developing and evaluating resources to meet the needs of diverse families (e.g., single income, divorced, bereaved, LGBTQ2IA+, special needs, and racialized families)
Important Dates
Apr. 28, 2023 — Statement of Intent due
May 5, 2023 – Decisions on statements of intent sent to authors
Jun. 19, 2023 — Manuscript submission due
July to October 2023 — Decision and revisions
Nov. 10, 2023 — Final manuscripts due
January to March 2024 — Articles released online in Advance Access
April 2024 — Publication released
JMVFH publishes original research, reviews, and perspectives that enhance the health and well-being of military personnel, Veterans, public safety personnel, and their families. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are thoroughly adjudicated through a double-blind peer review process.
Statement of Intent
Authors intending to contribute to the JMVFH special edition, “The strength beside the uniform: Families of military members, Veterans, and public safety personnel”, are asked to submit a maximum 500-word Statement of Intent by Apr. 28, 2023, to assist with planning. Statements of Intent must include:
Title of the proposed manuscript
Names of authors
Article type (e.g., research, review)
Brief description/abstract of the proposed manuscript (e.g., introduction, methods, results, discussion)
Email Statements of Intent to the JMVFH Managing Editor at:
Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts for the special edition are due Jun. 19, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript. Upload manuscripts using the JMVFH submission portal and label them as a “Special Issue” article type. Clearly articulate in your cover letter the category of manuscript for consideration (i.e., Research, Review, Arts & Humanities, etc.) and the approximate word count (excluding abstract, key words, lay summary, and references).
JMVFH is the official, peer-reviewed scholarly journal of the Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR). It aims to maximize the mental and physical health, and social well-being, of military personnel, Veterans, public safety personnel, and their families, by publishing world-class research to a broad international and multidisciplinary readership of researchers, health practitioners, administrators, community members, and policymakers.
Contact Information
Lacey Cranston
Managing Editor, Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health